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Fundamental to advanced

The two courses we teach, fall under the Digital Media Design department at Harvard Extension School. Leonie teaches the Fundamentals course (DGMD E/S-9) and Greg offers the Advanced course (DGMD E/S-10).

The Introduction to Digital Photography course was proposed and accepted when we realised that there was a lot of technical requirements that would benefit from being taught as a full-time course, laying the foundation for the Advanced Digital Photography course that can be taken as the next step for those who are embarking on their photographic journeys. The Fundamentals course is generally offered in the Fall semester. Students with an adequate technical foundation, can of course proceed directly to the Advanced course, generally offered in the Spring.

Fundamentals of Digital Photography

DGMD E-9 / DGMD s-9

Lecturer: Leonie Marinovich

This course is aimed at students wishing to master the fundamentals of photography. It gives students the opportunity to learn photography using their digital camera (DSLR or mirrorless) and acquire the skills to use manual settings and use the different shooting modes available on their cameras.

Topics covered in this class include the fundamentals of exposure, composition, lighting, editing techniques, color correction, delivery for print and digital media, metadata creation, and digital workflow management.

Coursework is structured along two main components: technical mastery and aesthetic development.


DGMD E-10 / DGMD S-10

Lecturer: Greg Marinovich

This course explores storytelling through the genres of photojournalism, documentary, and art photography. We dig into the technical foundations and techniques of digital photography with the goals of enabling students to further control their work and experiment in new ways and to develop a deeper and broader understanding of photographic technique.

Storytelling with photography dominates; the goal of the course is for each student to produce a body of work or a photographic essay. The art of editing their own work is a key learning goal. We dive into portraiture outside of the studio, shooting stories involving people and discuss how to get the picture when everyone does not want you to.