What is Acute Pain?

Acute pain is pain that happens suddenly, usually starting out as a sharp or intense pain, and usually caused by an injury, surgery, illness or trauma. 

While some people may experience acute pain only very briefly, others experience it for a longer period of time. If the pain lasts for more than three months, then it is considered ‘chronic pain’. 

There are many people who have chronic pain that started as acute pain – such as due to a car accident, a sports injury, a bad fall, surgery, or a dental procedure.

What is Required?

  • A willingness to share and talk about your past experiences and current experience of pain, pain management, and effects of pain on your life. 

  • Your time! However, we will work around your ability and availability. 

  • You will be asked to sign a media release agreement that specifies where and how your information could be used.

Where will my story appear?

We anticipate there being a few different products of the work. For example, there will be photographs and stories, short videos, and audio recordings. Any of these may be shared widely such as through: 

  • Print publication/s to be distributed 

  • In campaigns linked to relevant events such as “World Pain Day” 

  • Series of videos 

  • Radio inserts/pieces 

  • Online in a variety of ways, including responsible use in social media

  • Possibly editorial features in magazines (online or in print) 

  • Exhibitions in different settings 

  • Any data that we collect will be “de-identified” before being added to existing data used for research. 


  • If selected, you may choose to participate in the ‘audio-only’ component or in the video component. 

  • An interview can take anywhere from 1 – 2 hours in a sitting.

  • Overall, we may spend up to 8 hours with you. This will never happen all at once. That time will be spread over several days, in short periods. If you choose the audio-only option, it will be slightly less time-consuming. The video requires more time in terms of the set-up of cameras, lights, etc. You do not have to be actively present during the setup and dismantling of equipment, and the duration of the interview will be the same approximate length as the audio-only option.

  • While this could be an intrusive process, it will be confined to a specific period of time. Once we are done, you will not hear from us again except later when we are ready to share the outcomes of your interview with you.

    I think i might have a story for you, what should i do?

  • Please complete the form below. Either Leonie or Greg will reach out to you to assess whether you are a suitable candidate for this part of the project. This could be a quick call or video meeting.

  • After the initial chat, we will come to your house or another venue of your choice to conduct a fuller interview either on camera or an audio recording device. For this part, there might be a crew of two to help with lighting and set-up.


Who will I be working with?

The project lead is photo-journalist Leonie Marinovich assisted by (husband) Greg Marinovich. We both have extensive experience documenting and working with people across a broad range of backgrounds.

This is not a journalism project, but we approach it with journalistic ethics that are founded on truthfulness and integrity in our documenting and editing decisions. Project and photography assistants are chosen based on these same principles. 

The project is funded by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, based in Boston, Massachusetts. The outcomes of this project will not be used to market or advertise any specific medications that are under development for the treatment of pain.

Are there any risks?

  1. Talking about your experience with pain and related events might bring up unwelcome memories. We will give you the time you need to share your experience. You can ask to stop the interview at any time. 

  2. You will be identifiable by your voice, image and/or name. However, we can use a pseudonym if you wish to be anonymous, and we can consider disguising any recognizable features. We would discuss this with you to make adjustments that are possible. 

  3. We will spend time in your environment taking pictures. We get the best photos by simply hanging out with you. Hopefully, there will be a point when you might begin to ignore us. We try not to be too intrusive, but we also realize that you will probably get tired and want to kick us out. Tell us! 

Will I be compensated for my time?

Yes. You will be compensated based on whether you choose the audio-only option or video recording.

Can I decide to opt-out?

You can choose to opt-out at any point.

How many people will take part in this project?

We plan to include up to 15 people.

Will I be expected to participate in any medical trials?

This is not a scientific project. We might ask you some questions that involves your medical experiences and treatment plans, but you will not be required to participate in any medical trials.